Autism or used to be mentioned as ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) is a developmental disorder of brain function which is varied and very complex (spectrum). Usually, this development disorder includes ways of communicating, social interaction, and imagination abilities. According to data analyzed by experts, ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) often being found in boys than girls with ratio 4:1.
Every individual no matter children or adult who have autism syndrome, they have a unique personal and behavior combination that vary with normal individual. There are some autism girls that show light symptom in verbal delay but severe in social interaction problems. These children will become introvert and prefer to be alone than keep on trying to socialize. Since autism children communicate one direction, they just like to talk about things they are interested only without heed the person they talked to like it or not.
Although there are autism children that have normal memory capacity and can speak well, but it is very hard for them to have peers. Autism sufferer guess serious flash back that get help intensive to can learn policy ability in undergo everyday activity it.
What are the common behaviour in Autism Children?
Autism children usually have deep disruption of the following categories:
1. Communication:
- a. None or delayed verbal development.
- b. Seems to have hearing problem and ignore what other people say.
- c. Seldom use language.
- d. Difficult to chat with.
- e. Can do something in silent but do not last long.
- f. Word used are not appropriate with the enquiries.
- g. Using language that is difficult to understand.
- h. Imitate conversation or words of others (echolalia)
- i. Like to make strange sounds.
- j. Like to point finger when requesting something rather than telling what they want.
2. Social interaction:
- a. Like to be alone.
- b. No eye contact and often avoid looking at the others face.
- c. Do not like to play with their friends and always declined invitations from people.
- d. Like to run away and sit in the corner.
3. Sense disruption:
- a. Sensitive to the touch.
- b. Do not like to be hugged or held.
- c. Sensitive to the loud sounds and will cover their ears.
- d. Like to kiss or lick their toys or other things.
- e. Less sensitive to pain or fear.
4. Pattern play:
- a. Do not like to play with kids in his age.
- b. Do not like to make friends with children in same age.
- c. Not play by the usual way, such as like to rotate and toss items that they hold.
- d. Extremely like spinning things such as fan.
- e. When they like something, they will continue to hold and bring it anytime anywhere.
5. Behavior:
- a. Either hyperactive or hypoactive.
- b. Like to shake, clap and flutter hands, watching television very close, and running everywhere.
- c. Do not like to change.
- d. Can sit quietly without any reaction.
6. Emotion:
- a. Often angry, laugh and crying without any reason.
- b. Rampage without controlled if we not fulfill their desire or prohibit from what they want to do.
- c. Damaging anything around them if their emotion disturbed.
- d. Will attack anyone if their emotion disturbed.
- e. Sometimes they like to hurt themselves.
- f. No sympathy and do not understand other people's feelings.
Autism symptoms can be reduced by using herbal medicine and acupuncture treatment from Chinese Master. This is because he has provided a very effective treatment and high quality herbs. |